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Tesi & Temi Special Issues

The Association for Applied Statistics and Unioncamere – Centro studi delle Camere di commercio Guglielmo Tagliacarne are pleased to announce the publication of two Special Issues of the scientific journal Tesi & Temi:

1. Issue 1: Use and Needs of Statistics and Statistical Data in Italian Business Units
2. Issue 2: Analysing Business Data with Statistics, Data Science, and AI

Guest Editors: Fabio Crescenzi, Luigi Fabbris, Andrea Mazzitelli, Alessandra Righi, Alessandro Rinaldi, and Maurizio Vichi.

These topics were the main focus of the ASA  Conference held at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, in September 2024. The Special Issues will feature the most relevant papers presented at the conference. In addition, the editors welcome further contributions that explore how statistics, in combination with technology and AI, can assist decision-makers in their work.
Tesi & Temi is an open-access international journal that publishes research articles on the application of statistics to economic and other real-world challenges. It welcomes methodological contributions, innovative applications, and broader perspectives on economic and social issues.
The Special Issues aim to create a dynamic forum where company managers, researchers, and public administrators can exchange knowledge, foster collaboration, and gain valuable insights to enhance policy-making and drive innovative research directions.

Researchers interested in contributing a paper are invited:
a) to send an email indicating the title of your chosen issue (1 or 2), along with the title and authors of your article by March 20, 2025
b) to submit manuscripts that are long and follow the provided template to the Journal by April 30, 2025
Submission and publication are free of charge.

Papers - preferably between 6 and 12 pages -  have to be written preferably in English and preparing papers using the following templates:

1) using word it will submit paper in DOC/DOCX and file .PDF

2) using Lated submit paper source LATEX, and file .PDF

All papers admitted must be sent joined to Disclaimer

Papers have to be sent to:


ASA e Unioncamere - Centro studi delle Camere di commercio Guglielmo Tagliacarne propongono la pubblicazione di due numeri speciali della Rivista TESI e TEMI:

1. Issue 1: Use and Needs of Statistics and Statistical Data in Italian Business Units
2. Issue 2: Analysing Business Data with Statistics, Data Science, and AI

Guest Editors: Fabio Crescenzi, Luigi Fabbris, Andrea Mazzitelli, Alessandra Righi, Alessandro Rinaldi, and Maurizio Vichi.

Tutti gli Autori sono invitati a presentare un articolo originale preferibilmente da 6 a 12 pagine (comprese tabelle, figure e riferimenti).

I contributi devono essere scritti preferibilmente in inglese e preparati secondo le linee guida redazionali utilizzando modelli Latex o Word.

1) chi produce il contributo in WORD - dovrà consegnare il file in formato DOC/DOCX e PDF

2) chi produce il contributo in LATEX - dovrà consegnare il sorgente LATEX, la versione PDF

Tutti i contributi ammessi dovranno essere accompagnati da Liberatoria


L'indirizzo cui inviare i contributi come sopra indicato è: